Klubaro’s integrated Point of Sale module makes it easy to record sales to your members. Here’s how to register a new transaction:
- In Klubaro’s main menu, on the left of your screen, click on “Point of sale”.
- In the sub-menu that appears, select “Sell”.
- This will take you to the “New sale” page.
On this page, follow these steps to register your transaction :
Member selection :
- In the “Member” field, start typing the name of the member making the purchase.
- Select the right member from the list that appears.
Item selection :
- In the “Article” section, click on the drop-down menu to see the list of available articles.
- Select the item you wish to sell.
Sale details :
- The “Amount” will be displayed automatically according to the item selected.
- If necessary, you can apply a discount by ticking the appropriate box and entering the discount amount.
Payment management :
- Tick the “Paid” box if the member pays for the purchase immediately.
- If the “Paid” box is not checked, the amount will be recorded as a debt for the member, and its balance will appear as negative in the balance tracker.
- In the “Mode” drop-down menu, select the payment method used (cash, card, bank transfer, etc.).
Validation of the sale :
- Once all the details have been entered, click the Submit button (usually at the bottom of the page, not visible in the screenshot) to save the transaction.
Tips for effective sales management :
- Always check that you have selected the right member before validating the sale.
- Make sure the amount and item are correct before finalizing the transaction.
- If a member buys several items, you can add several lines to the transaction by using the “+” button next to the item selection.
- Pay close attention to the status of the “Paid” box : this determines whether the transaction will be settled immediately or recorded as a debt.
- Choose the right payment method from the drop-down menu to ensure accurate financial tracking.
With this point of sale functionality, you can easily manage and track all sales of items in your club, whether they are paid immediately or on credit. This allows you to maintain an accurate transaction history and simplifies your organization’s overall financial management, including tracking member debt.
If you have any further questions about how to use the Point of Sale, or if you are having trouble registering a transaction, please contact our technical support team.